A dedicated concert pianist, educator and researcher, bringing a new feeling to the way in which sound, music, and art are perceived and experienced in new media. Key skills in understanding the nuances of cross-modal perception/synaesthesia and converting this knowledge into workable algorithms for multisensory design and digitally enhanced music art environments in AR/ MR for Education, Mental Health, and Cognitive Musicology.
Svetlana held a post-doctoral research position at Technological University Dublin, School of Electric and Electronic Engineering, EU_SHAFE https://hands-on-shafe.eu/en/news/electrical-electronic-engineering-interns-participate-eu-community-engagement-project and together with Dr. Richard Roche ( Maynooth University, Department of Psychology), she is Co-director of Music Consciousness Lab, collaboration which brought to life many projects for Brain Awareness Week (FENS, Dana Foundation awards). Currently, she is the composer and researcher for Haunted Planet Studios and OpenAirGalleryAR, Augmented Reality games for education and cultural heritage, and DreaMR series of Mixed Reality experiences such as Alice Dali MR and De Chirico; Metaphysical Art MR. Also, visiting researcher at the Music Department, Durham University , UK
Svetlana was awarded Dr of Arts from University of Granada, Spain, program Creative Audio - Visual Reflections (Ph.D. supervisor Prof. María José de Córdoba Serrano). In addition, she had three years on a Doctorate in the Music Performance program, Royal Irish Academy of Music, Dublin, Ireland, MMus in Performance from Conservatory of Music and Drama Dublin Institute of Technology, PG Dip in Interactive Digital Media from School of Computer Science and Statistics, Trinity College Dublin, and is a graduate of Tchaikovsky National Music Academy of Ukraine, Kiev. She was Arts Coordinator at International Association of Scientists, Artists & Synaesthetes for Moscow Symposium 2019 and Scientific Committee member of the workshop “Detecting and Influencing Mental States with Audio”, INTERSPEECH 2019, Vienna, Austria, Program Committee member for ICIDS (International Conference for Interactive Digital Storytelling). Numerous presentations at International conferences, including Harvard University, Cambridge Massachusetts, American Synaesthesia Association, Spanish Artecitta, and projects for Neuroscience Ireland and British Neuroscience Association BNA 2019, JCSG, FENS, BNA, Entertainment Computing ICEC. Svetlana is Music Curator for LA JTTS https://www.journeythroughthesenses.org/music/
As a pianist and chamber musician (Nuevo Tango Quartet, Recital Trio, Téada). Svetlana appears regularly at JFR National Concert Hall, Dublin, Ireland, and abroad. She performed in the venues such as Helix, Farmleigh House, Bantry House, Cork Opera House, Belfast Festival, Killaloe Festival, Music for Galway, Boyle Festival, UCC Aula Maxima Ireland, Granada, Lisbon, New York, recordings including broadcasts for RTE Lyric FM, RadioRadio, BBC Radio3.
She has held positions of Assistant Lecturer in Piano Performance at DIT Conservatory of Music and Drama (2002/2003), CIT Cork School of Music (2010/ 2011), DkIT Dundalk Department of Creative Arts, Media and Music, Ireland (2014/ 2015), Institute of Culture and Art, Kyiv, Ukraine (1999/ 2001) at Vocal / Repetiteur & Conducting Departments, taught at Wicklow Music Generation Outreach program, and piano at Bray Institute of Further Education (BIFE) Music College for 16 years. Her students won numerous musical awards in Ireland.
[1] Haahr, M., Rudenko, S., Jakubowski, K., “Alice Dalí augmented reality: Evaluating a cultural outdoors game for intergenerational play,” Entertainment Computing, 2024, 100865, ISSN 1875-9521, Elsevier, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.entcom.2024.100865. (https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1875952124002337) [ACCEPTED PAPER]
[2] Rudenko, S., Jakubowski, K., Fu, X. and Haahr, M. ”Music Consciousness and Emotional Responses to Rachmaninoff Preludes Op. 32 in Audio and Mixed Reality: New Forms of Multimedia for Classical Music.” Biennial Conference of the Society for Music Perception and Cognition (SMPC). Banff Centre for Arts and Creativity 25-27 July 2024. [ACCEPTED PAPER]
[3] Haahr, M., Rudenko, S., and Fu, X. “De Chirico: Metaphysical Art - DreaMR Interactive Mixed Reality Experience,” Society for the Neuroscience of Creativity (SfNC) 2024 Conference, 11-12 April 2024, Toronto Metropolitan University, Canada. [ACCEPTED POSTER]
[4] Rudenko, S., Fu, X., and Haahr, M. “DreaMR: Exploring Dreaming with Mixed Reality – Alice Dali MR,” Screen Studies in the Age of Extended Reality & Synthetic Media Conference, edited by Jennifer O’Meara, 4-5 June 2024, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland. [ACCEPTED PAPER]
[5] Rudenko, S., Fu, X., and Haahr, M. “De Chirico: Metaphysical Art MR - Methodology for Multisensory Audio-Visual Composition in Mixed Reality,” UK Synaesthesia Association (UKSA) and American Synesthesia Association (ASA) Joint Conference, edited by Charles Spence and Carol Steen, 10-12 May 2024, Oxford University, UK. [ACCEPTED POSTER]
[6] Rudenko, S., Fu, X., Haahr, M. (2023). ”Alice Dali MR: A Mixed Reality Interactive Narrative Experience.” In: Holloway-Attaway, L., Murray, J.T. (eds) Interactive Storytelling. ICIDS 2023. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 14384. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-47658-7_23
[7] Rudenko, S., Haahr, M. (2023). “Synaesthesia Gallery AR: Journey Through the Senses – Using Augmented Reality for Education.” In: Haahr, M., Rojas-Salazar, A., Göbel, S. (eds) Serious Games. JCSG 2023. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 14309. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-44751-8_15
[8] Svetlana Rudenko, Maura McDonnell, Timothy Layden and Mads Haahr, Cognitive Musicology with AR/VR: Visualisation of Musical Structures and Music Narrative, Proceedings of the Society for Music Perception and Cognition 2022 Conference, Society for Music Perception and Cognition 2022 Conference, Portland, USA, 4-7 August 2022, edited by Zachary Wallmark, Psyche Loui and Daniel Shanahan , SMPC, 2022, pp1 - 1, Poster
[9] Svetlana Rudenko and Mads Haahr, Psychogeography with Jack B. Yeats Art Sounding Gallery: Augmented Reality Locative Experience for Blind People, Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics (AHFE 2022), 13th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics (AHFE 2022), New York, USA, 20-24 July 2022, edited by Matteo Zallio , 37, (1), AHFE (2022) International Conference, 2022, Conference Paper
[10] Svetlana Rudenko, Noam Sagiv and Mads Haahr, Consciousness and Blended Reality: The Alice Dali Augmented Reality Experience, Annual Conference of the Association for the Scientific Study of Consciousness (ASSC), Amsterdam, Netherlands, 12-15 July 2022, edited by Jane Aspell, Daisuke Shimaoka and Yaron Caspi , Association for the Scientific Study of Consciousness (ASSC), 2022, pp1 – 1, Poster
[11] Svetlana Rudenko and Mads Haahr, Alice Dali Augmented Reality: Multisensory Experience via Cross-Modal Brain/Synaesthesia: Demonstration of Composition and Game, EU Neuroscience Forum, Paris, France, 9 July 2022, Federation of European Neuroscience Societies (FENS), 2022 Oral Presentation, 2022
[12] Svetlana Rudenko and Mads Haahr, Exploring Classical Music Narratives through Multimodality in AR/VR Experiences, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, International Conference for Interactive Digital Narrative (ICIDS 2022), Santa Cruz, CA, USA, 4-7 December 2022, edited by Michael Mateas and David Lamas , TBD, Springer, 2022, pp1 - 10 Conference Paper (Accepted)
Exhibitions and published apps
[13] Svetlana Rudenko, Xiangpeng Fu, Mads Haahr. Traversing Boundaries, Barriers, and Borders. DreaMR: Exploring Dreaming with Mixed Reality. KIITO Design and Creative Center, Kobe, Japan, 14-17 November 2023. https://icids2023.ardin.online/art-exhibition
[14] Svetlana Rudenko, Xiangpeng Fu, Mads Haahr. Daydreaming in Mixed Reality: Piano and Meta Quest Pro Live. Boydell Recital Room, House 5, Trinity College Dublin, 26 October 2023. https://jcsg2023.scss.tcd.ie/html/concert.html
[15] Mads Haahr, Svetlana Rudenko, Roisin Cotton and Neil Delaney, De Chirico: Metaphysical Art AR. Google Play Store and Apple App Store. Developed and published by Haunted Planet Studios, October 2023. My roles: composer, orchestration in Logic Pro and concept developer. https://download.hauntedplanet.com/de-chirico
[16] Svetlana Rudenko, Xiangpeng Fu, Mads Haahr. Amy Beach: Dreaming. Mixed Reality experience for Meta Quest Pro and Meta Quest 3. Published in the Meta Store. Developed and published by Haunted Planet Studios, December 2023. My roles: composer, audio-visual design, concept . https://www.meta.com/en-gb/experiences/9679476068790518/
[17] Svetlana Rudenko, Xiangpeng Fu, Mads Haahr. Alice Dali MR. Mixed Reality experience for Meta Quest Pro and Meta Quest 3. Published in the Meta Store. Developed and published by Haunted Planet Studios, December 2023. My roles: composer, audio-visual design, concept.
Presentations and Concerts
[18] Svetlana Rudenko, Richard Roche and Mads Haahr, Launch of Synaesthesia Gallery AR app for Brain Awareness Week (BAW) , Brain Awareness Week (BAW), Dublin, Ireland, 15 March 2022, Federation of European Neuroscience Societies (FENS), 2022 Oral Presentation
[19] 14-17 June 2021 Invited presentation at Association for Scientific Studies of Consciousness (ASSC) Tel Aviv : Music, Consciousness & Synaesthesia collaboration with Dr. Noam Sagiv Brunel University UK, Ninghui Xiong Synaesthesia Alliance China. https://youtube.com/watch?v=OJe50LKvuV4
[20] 15-21 March 2021. Invited presentation and live concert performance for Neuroscience Ireland and FENS (Federation of European Neuroscience Association) Brain Awareness Week (BAW), Music Consciousness with RTE Contempo quartet, NY synesthete artist/ President of American Synesthesia Association Carol Steen and Dr Richard Roche (Maynooth University) https://vimeo.com/526864640
[21] 21 April 2020. Invited presentation for British Neuroscience Association (BNA). Music Consciousnessand Synaesthesia with Jamie Ward (University of Sussex, UK), Maura McDonnell & Timothy Layden https://youtu.be/aoIzGNFg_kM Demo video Liszt Sonata https://vimeo.com/526886185
[22] 14-17 April 2019. Poster presentation at British Neuroscience Association Symposium (BNA) Dublin : S. Rudenko, R. Roche, J. Dingliana ‘Cross-modal perception in synaesthetes during Art and Music practices’ & Cognitive Musicology via Synaesthesia Concert with scientific talk by Prof. Anil Seth. https://neuroscienceireland.com/dr-aine-kellys-review-on-the-highly- successful-bna2019-public-programme/
[23] 25-29 June 2019. Poster presentation at the 23rd Annual Meeting of the Association for the Scientific Studies of Consciousness ASSC, London Ontario, Canada. ‘A. Scriabin and the ‘Birth of Consciousness’ in Music: Symbolism & Transformation of Ego’
[24] 26-28 September 2019. Recorded flash talk at Conference on Interdisciplinary Musicology (CIM) Graz, flash talk Abstract p. 148-149 Book of Abstracts online
[25] 13-14 September 2019. Paper presentation at workshop “Detecting and influencing Mental States with Audio: Speech, Music and Mind”, INTERSPEECH 2019, Vienna, Austria: ‘Synaesthesia: How can it be used to enhance the audio-visual perception of music and multisensory design in digitally enhanced environments?’ S. Rudenko and J. Cabral, published in proceedings http://smm19.ifs.tuwien.ac.at/ https://www.isca- speech.org/archive/smm_2019/rudenko19_smm.html.
[26] 25 September 2018. Invited presentation at PROBES. European Researchers’ Night, Trinity College Dublin compositions for Art animations Tetractys https://vimeo.com/296197046
[27] 22-23 October 2018. Poster presentation, Neuroscience meeting Bridging of the Senses: New developments in Synaesthesia, URL: https://royalsociety.org/science-events-and- lectures/2018/10/Bridging-senses/ London, UK
[28] 6-8 October 2017. Presentation at Harvard University during 12th conference of ASA, American Synesthesia Association http://synesthesia.info “4D Computational model of Musical-Space Synesthesia: Scriabin’s perception”. Analysis of composer’s performance style by recordings on Hupfeld and Welte-Mignon rolls (Leikin, 2011) and research of Akiva-Kabiri et al.(2014)
[29] 2017. Journal Paper: Svetlana Rudenko and Maria José de Córdoba Serrano. “Musical-Space Synaesthesia: Visualisation of Musical Texture”. In Multisensory Research, Volume 30, Issue 3-5, pages 279 – 285, 2017. DOI: 10.1163/22134808-00002562
[30] 2016. Presentation “Visualisation of Musical Texture: cross-modal associations “. First Synesthesia Exhibition, Beijing, China, Svetlana Rudenko, 2016. https://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMTc1OTE3NzYyMA==
[31] 2015. Conference Paper: Svetlana Rudenko. “Imagery in piano pedagogy: visualisation of musical texture in children’s cycle 'Musical Toys' by Sofia Gubaidulina”. Proceedings of ICMEM 2015. International Conference on the Multimodal Experience of Music. Sheffield: The Digital Humanities Institute, 2015.
[32] 2015. Conference Paper: Svetlana Rudenko. “Musical-Space Synaesthesia: Image Processing And Space/Time Organisation Of Musical Texture” In V International Conference Synesthesia: Science and Art. Alcalà la Real de Jaén. España. 16–19th May 2015
[33] 2014. Poster presentation: Svetlana Rudenko. “Imagery in Piano Pedagogy. Visualisation of musical language in children’s piano cycle Musical Toys, Gubaidulina” Poster in Neurodynamics of Language and Music Symposium organised by the Cognitive Brain Research Unit (CBRU) and CICERO Learning. June 2014, Helsinki, Finland.
What’s New?
Journey Through The Senses International Exhibition, Dr. Svetlana Rudenko as a Curator
Los Angeles, Spring 2022
“Synesthesis - Music Consciousness Lab”, Maynooth University, Ireland
Synesthesia, Creativity & Consciousness, Dublin 2020
DreaMR Interactive Mixed Reality series engaging with Dreaming